- Stand-Alone: Non need of a computer.
Auto-Exposure: One click to take the image for an unrivaled ease of use.
Free Software: Free complementary software for image enhancement, editing and image analysis.
Any Transilluminator: The mobile hood fits on virtually all Vilber transilluminators.
Cost Effective
The Doc-Print is a standalone imaging system dedicated to basic gel documentation. Thanks to the auto-exposure, the acquisition process is as quick as instinctive.
The Ideal Gel-Doc
- Add a white light conversion plate for colorimetric stained protein gels, X-ray film imaging, autorads, SSCP gels, colony dish and flask imaging
- Add a blue light conversion plate for blue light DNA/RNA/Protein fluorescence
Complete Software Solution
- Free complementary software for image editing and image analysis: molecular weight, band quantification & distance calculation
- Scientific TIFF file or proprietary file format
- Full GLP compliance

Complete & Practical
- Small footprint
- Standalone system: no computer required
- Images compatible to Mac or PC
- High contrast 8-inch LCD screen
- Scientific CCD camera
- Design to last
Intuitive Interface
- Self understandable user interface
- Auto-exposure
- Print or save on an external drive via the USB port
- Connect to a thermal printer to get vibrant glossy printouts

Intuitive Software
The Doc-Print software has rich features and guides you into the advanced functions in a very ergonomically designed user interface. The simple and self-understandable menu is ideal in a multi-user environment.
Designed by molecular biologists the software is very easy to use: juts one click is necessary to get the optimum gel image.
Your Applications At Your Fingertips
- UV Pad for DNA and RNA gels and fluorescence stain imaging:
Ethidium Bromide, Sybr-Safe, Sybr-Green, Gel-Red, Gel-Green, Sybr-Gold, GFP, Pro-Q Emerald, Sypro Ruby, FITC, DAPI…
- White Pad or white light conversion screen for colorimetric stained protein gels, X-Ray film, autorads, SSCP gels, colony dish and flask imaging and other EPI white light applications:
Coomassie Blue, Silver Stain, Ponceau S Red, Copper stain…
- Blue Pad or blue light conversion screen for DNA/RNA detection (avoid “nicking” DNA):
Sybr-Safe, Sybr-Green, eGFP…